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Country-Side Breeders

About Us

Esther Litter

The start of Country-Side Breeders:

Having grown up with flushing dogs, and chasing through the fields finding birds and running after dogs, when the time came to bring new dogs into the house, we decided to go with a pointing breed. Not doing any research or homework previously, we simply called the nearest ad in the local newspaper to go and take a look at their litter. Of course, everyone knows, NEVER go and look at puppies with a checkbook! As you can imagine, we came home with our first pointing dog, a GSP. Keep in mind that I mentioned that we never did any research on the breed, buying a puppy, checking out references and breeders, etc. Boy, were we in for a surprise when the breeder told us the infamous "they just ate so their bellies are bloated" line. Luckily, our new pup was curious enough to see what our old Lab had in her bowl and got bit in the face the day after we brought him home. It was serious enough to require an emergency trip to the vet. We were immediately told that the bloated belly wasn't from eating too much, but in fact, from have an awful case of parasites. How naive of us! Hunter fully recovered and went on to give us many wonderful years of both a family companion and hunting partner. Since our Labs were getting older, and didn't want to play with a youthful GSP any longer, we decided to get another GSP for him. This time a female, named Carver. After talking to her breeder, we decided to breed her ourselves, and that was the start of Country-Side Breeders.


The information I put on my website is for your use. It's here for you to read and to learn about different topics before going out and purchasing a new pup. Bringing home a new pup isn't just a new adventure, it's also a long term commitment, both financially and emotionally. Making sure you have all the information needed and all your questions answered is the goal with this website. The breeding program I follow is done with great thought. It's something that's planned out well before pups are even here; starting with finding a compatible male and female to produce an even better pup together. The care taken with each litter is for the concern of the pups as well as the buyer. I raise every litter as if I were the person buying each pup. I raise them to be healthy, mentally strong, physically correct (confirmation), natural in the field, calm in the house and social. Please, feel free to go through the website, visit the different pages and contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to becoming long time friends.


Located just north of Green Bay, WI, we have been specializing in the care, training, standards and love of the German Shorthaired Pointer since 1999.  A pup purchased from us will fit your lifestyle both in the home and hunting aspects. We guarantee all our AKC pups, for both health, and hunt. 

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